By E-P1 + M-Rokker 40/F2
In the way around Taiwan, the rear tyre Continental GP4000 wore away seriously. However, after back to Taiwan, I didn't ride my Time periodically. To replace the rear type had been forgotten for a long time.
Yesterday, I went to Columbus-Tachi and looked for a new tyre. The store clerk recommended Schwalbe Ultremo R.1 to me. I didn't care about the latest products of bike market for a long time, and I didn't know the comments of this model. Besides, Continental GP4000 and Michelin PRO3 couldn't have black or red painted tyre in stock. Moments later, because the clerk recommended it strongly, I bought two for my Time. When the clerk installed the tyre, he found my GP4000 became stiff. It's dangerous to keep using it. That reminded me, the Conti GP4000 had used for almost three years.
After coming home, I checked the comments on the Internet. It seems a good tyre. I should restart periodical riding to catch up IOB teams.
This one is really a good tire! Ultremo R & the Open Corsa (from Vittoria) are my candidates for my next tire. I've used GP4000, I think it's too hard, and the Pro3 was said too soft by my teammates.
GP4000 除了硬,表現已是水準之上。不過這一條真的很黏,抓地力一級棒.........特別是下山的路上會有很安心的感覺
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