A dust storm from China made it foggy.

There are a lot of narrow stairs and lanes.

I had never gone to tea houses in Jioufen before this visiting. I thought they gave poor service to foreigners only. I didn't want to pay money to see their poker faces. However, visiting this tea house, I was wrong. After we walked in the shop, the waitress introduced all the items in fluent Japanese. The service is so good that I was willing to pay the expensive fee.
A lot of people in tourist industry said that Taiwan needs more and more Chinese tourists to raise our tourist industry. They should come here to learn what the good service is. In my point of view, such kind of great service will attracts more worldwide tourists and backpackers. They should improve their poor service and facilities. Better qualities create more profits than more quantities do.

All by Leica M7 + Fuji Reala ACE
Thanks! Ricky.
這次剛好沒帶 E-P1,要不然一定要拿您的電影鏡大拍特拍的.....
BTW, 我 R-D1s 的 Range Finder 送修回來以後沒多久馬上又跑了,不知道您可否告知有哪邊對於調整 Range Finder 很在行的?
Yes! Last time I visit there, got the same service like you mention...something will be changed if being competitive...
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