今年終於有機會參加兩年一次的 Porsche World Roadshow,內容就不多提,網站上的資料應該滿豐富的(請見 iphone4.tw),總之就是像教練所說啦!上完課都會感染 Porsche virus。不過應該沒幾個人在這個場合用 E-P1 + Leica 鏡頭拍影片,也沒幾人拿著哈蘇與底片機在陰天來打 Porsche,所以陸續就貼一些相關的圖片吧!
This year I finally got a chance to participate in Porsche World Roadshow, which holds every two years in Taiwan. There are a lot of information about it on the Internet, and I don't mention its content much here. Anyway, the Porsche Virus infected everyone after this course, as the instructor had said before its beginning. But I believe few people taok videos and pictures there by E-P1 with Leica lens and film camaras, like Hasselblad, especially in a cloudy day. So, I will put a video and some pictures to go on.
By E-P1 with M-Rokker 40/F2 and Leica Makro-Elmar 90/F4
First, let's see the video on that day.
Hi Adolph,
比起這些名車與您的愛駒,什麼古董機鏡只怕都成了不值錢的玩具呢。對了,以前沒注意到您也收了一顆90mm/f4 macro elmar,好眼光!多分享一下用它拍的照片吧。
關於 90/F4
雖然成像還算紮實,但光圈實在太小,原本是要買來拍食物的(以前是很喜歡拿來拍美食。)只是那個眼鏡一直買不到,就跟 50DR 沒附眼鏡一樣的可惜。
那影片檔 真令人震憾!!
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