HAMMOND CASTLE MUSEUM, Gloucester, Massachusetts
享受著同時有著海景與樹林的 Hesperus Ave.,路邊出現的是 Hammond Castle Museum. 中世紀風格的 Hammond Castle 建於 20 年代,主人 John Hays Hammond, Jr 在此收藏了不少古董。令人意外的是,在讀到相關資料之前,對 John Hays Hammond, Jr 一無所知,只覺得是個有錢人吧?查到資料以後才知道他原來是個專利數量僅次於愛迪生的美國發明家,而且有著 The Father of Radio Control 的稱號。
I enjoyed the Hesperus Ave, with ocean view and the forest scenery. Hammond Castle Museum, a medieval-style castle built in 1920s, appeared by the road.
It was closed for the winter season. However, the gardens, the building itself, and the scenery were enough to me for my short trip.
Gloucester is a small town by the sea. Of course. The lunch is lobster, again...
All by Leica M7 + Kodak EKTAR
旅遊 --- 國外
Manchester-by-the-sea, Massachusetts - Tour of the North Shore (1)
趁著剛拿到 C70 的第一個晴天,馬上準備溜到 Boston 以外,透透氣吧!要離開 Boston 出去走走,大多數人選擇的可能是 Cape Cod。不過五月天的 Cape Cod,我想還不夠吸引人。翻開書,較少被提及的 North Shore,人應該不會太多吧?!只要不用人擠人,對我來說就是好地方!沿著 128 號公路,North Shore 之旅的第一站,Manchester 到了!(因為 New England 地區有太多 Manchester 了,所以這個 Manchester 通常被稱做 Manchester-by-the-sea 以區別)
It was the first sunny day after I picked up the C70, and I prepared to drive out of Boston immediately, breathing the fresh air. Leaving Boston and going on a outing, most people might choose Cape Cod. However, I thought Cape Cope in May was not attractive enough. Opening the travel guide, I saw the North Shore, rarely written in the other guidebook. I did't prefer to visit places crowded by a lot of tourists. Therefore, North Shore should be a good place for me. Manchester-by-the-sea was the first stop of the tour of the North Shore. (There were many Manchesters in New England. Most people called this town "Manchester-by-the-sea.")
Manchester 過去也是以漁業為主的小城,現在倒變成夏日的避暑勝地。因此,不少私人的遊艇帆船都停靠在這裡。
All by M7 + Kodak EKTAR 100
旅遊 --- 國外
Matsuzaka 主投 NYM@BOS
By M7 + Extra400
來到米國,除了希望有機會看到王建民主投的比賽以外,另一個就是能看到松坂的比賽了。可惜開季沒多久就傳出手臂不適的消息,一直到五月中,官網上宣布 5/22 松坂將會再次上場主投,且對戰投手正好是強投 Santana。想到再沒多久就要離開米國,一定要來去看。因此不管一壘後方的好位子已經被炒到 150 USD 以上,還是咬著牙訂了下去。當天到了球場,看到這個位置是如此的前面且視野極佳,真的是 High 翻啦!
By M7 + Extra400
這個角度離一壘真的很近!而且被棒球熱血衝昏頭之下,兩百多美元的 Matsuzaka Jersey Shirt 也衝了一件....
By R-D1s
當天很多人都穿著 Matsuzaka 的衣服來比賽!中華假球聯盟要讓球迷這樣心甘情願的掏錢出來,很難!
熱身時間,Dustin Pedroia 與 David Ortiz 身材還差真多.....
這時在場上投球的是 Santana
Matsuzaka 後來就被換下來了,殘念.....
只要來 Fenway Park,當然還是少不了 Sweet Caroline...
Miami - 豪宅、海灘、短吻鱷
Uncle Peter's House
The view in Uncle Peter's house is gorgeous!!!
The following pictures are taken in famous South Beach.
Of course, one of the most famous spots is Everglades, the subtropical wetlands alligators inhabit.
We took this airboat to visit Everglades and look for alligators.
Coral Gables, Miami
Biltmore Hotel.
1925 年就成立的 Biltmore Hotel 算是當地的景點之一了,
Biltmore Hotel, built in 1925, is one of the scenic spots in Coral Gables.
拜訪 Miami 時,Boston 的氣溫都還在攝式五度上下,來到三十度以上的 Miami,很快就覺得要中暑了。看到 Biltmore Hotel 內的泳池,真的很想跳下去!
When I visited Miami, the temperature in Boston was about five degrees celsius. Arriving at Miami, having a temperature about 30 degrees celsius, I almost got heatstroke. Seeing the swimming pool, I really wanted to jump into the pool!
The Golf Club
In this area, there are a lot of houses in Spanish style.
Venetian Pool, formed from a coral rock quarry in 1923, is fed with cool spring water daily.
由礁石建造的 Venetian Pool,池內是新鮮的冷泉水。
Venetian Pool
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