Cooke kinetal 50mm/ f1.8(T2) 電影鏡,感謝 Ricky 兄的大方長期借用。小縮一點光圈就很利,散景與色澤都很對味,拿來拍短片更是讚!!!
All by E-P1 + Cooke kinetal 50mm/ f1.8(T2)
ZM35/F2 + R-D1s 拍 "A4"
受限於場地與光線,這篇並沒有拿 Cooke 與 E-P1 這個最近幾週來最愛的組合來拍。無奈 E-P1 的高 ISO 表現相當差,反而是只有 600 萬畫素的 R-D1s,配上 ZM35/2 在過去的經驗中拿來抓黃昏的微光一向不賴。
Limited by the place and light, I didnt take these pictures by Cooke lens and E-P1, my favorite kit recently. However, the noise of E-P1 at high ISO is irritating. According to my experience in the past, R-D1s, a digital RF camara with 6M pixels only, and ZM35/2 delivered good quality picutures in dusk.
Congratulate my good friend. He gave himself a birthday gift which makes the driver feel his heartbeat and show the smiley.
All by EPSON R-D1s + ZM35/F2
Limited by the place and light, I didnt take these pictures by Cooke lens and E-P1, my favorite kit recently. However, the noise of E-P1 at high ISO is irritating. According to my experience in the past, R-D1s, a digital RF camara with 6M pixels only, and ZM35/2 delivered good quality picutures in dusk.
Congratulate my good friend. He gave himself a birthday gift which makes the driver feel his heartbeat and show the smiley.
All by EPSON R-D1s + ZM35/F2
Driving through the Finger Lakes
Driving through the Finger Lakes should be a delightful trip. However, the cold rain discouraged me from taking pictures.
By Leica M7 + Extra400
By Leica M7 + Extra400
By Leica M7 + Extra400
I bought a cup of latte in the cute coffee shop.
By Leica M7 + Extra400
I don't know what the building is, but it's so beautiful.
By Leica M7 + Extra400
By Leica M7 + Extra400
Leaving the lake region, I was near to Cooperstown, where the The Baseball Hall of Fame is located in.
By Leica M7 + Extra400
By Leica M7 + Extra400
By Leica M7 + Extra400
I bought a cup of latte in the cute coffee shop.
By Leica M7 + Extra400
I don't know what the building is, but it's so beautiful.
By Leica M7 + Extra400
By Leica M7 + Extra400
Leaving the lake region, I was near to Cooperstown, where the The Baseball Hall of Fame is located in.
University of Rochester
By Leica R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
Since I was in Rochester, University of Rochester, Rodney's and Ricky's alma mater, was definitely one of scenic spot I should have gone to.
既然來到 Rochester,Rodney 與 Ricky 的母校-Rochester 大學當然是該去的景點了。
By Leica R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
Howerer, it rained. I was reluctant to use R6.2, one of Ricky's collection, in the rain. Rolling down the window, I took these pictures by R6.2 in the car.
無奈下著大雨,捨不得把 R6.2 到戶外拍。這幾張 R6.2 拍的照片都是在車內搖下車窗拍的。
By Leica R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
By M7 + VC21/F4 + Extra400
By M7 + VC21/F4 + Extra400
By M7 + VC21/F4 + Extra400
The spots in above three pictures do not include Rush Rhees Library, one of the most representitive building in University of Rochester. In fact, I took a lot of pictures of it at night and in the daytime. However, I snapped them by the digital camera. I think you know the outcome.........
Walking in Rochester
Some world headquarters of large optical companys, like Kodak, Bausch & Lomb, and Xerox, are located in Rochester, a center of optical industry.
身為光學重鎮,Rochester 的市區有著 Kodak, Bausch & Lomb, 及 Xerox 幾間世界大廠的 Headquarters。
Kodak World Headquarters By M7 + Extra400
Kodak World Headquarters By M7 + Extra400
Bausch & Lomb’s World Headquarters By M7 + VC21/F4 + XP2 Super
Xerox By M7 + VC21/F4 + XP2 Super
By M7 + XP2 Super
Leaving downtown Rochester, I drove to Ontario Beach Park.
離開了市中心,來到 Ontario Beach Park。
By M7 + XP2 Super
Lake Ontario. What a vast lake!
By M7 + XP2 Super
Windsurfers on the estuary of Genesee River.
Genesee 河口玩風帆的人。
By M7 + XP2 Super
By M7 + XP2 Super
By M7 + XP2 Super
The trail on Genesee River
身為光學重鎮,Rochester 的市區有著 Kodak, Bausch & Lomb, 及 Xerox 幾間世界大廠的 Headquarters。
Kodak World Headquarters By M7 + Extra400
Kodak World Headquarters By M7 + Extra400
Bausch & Lomb’s World Headquarters By M7 + VC21/F4 + XP2 Super
Xerox By M7 + VC21/F4 + XP2 Super
By M7 + XP2 Super
Leaving downtown Rochester, I drove to Ontario Beach Park.
離開了市中心,來到 Ontario Beach Park。
By M7 + XP2 Super
Lake Ontario. What a vast lake!
By M7 + XP2 Super
Windsurfers on the estuary of Genesee River.
Genesee 河口玩風帆的人。
By M7 + XP2 Super
By M7 + XP2 Super
By M7 + XP2 Super
The trail on Genesee River
2009 Porsche Roadshow Taiwan (4) non-911...
By E-P1
操控體驗中開的 Cayenne GTS,聲音跟廣告一樣暴力且迷人。當天開完 Cayman S 與 911 Targa 4S,馬上接著開 Cayenne GTS,感覺當然是差很多。但是市面上又有幾台 SUV 可以這樣的過彎?大概只有配 sport package 的 X5 也可以這樣過吧?!
附上 Cayenne GTS 的廣告
By E-P1
拿來給大家拼繞錐賽的 Cayman S,同組內不少 Porsche 玩家,成績在組內只有第三。結果拿去其他組都可以算是冠軍咧!不過我還是獲得一個 Best Driving Style 的小獎。
By E-P1
By E-P1
Cayman S 配上這個圈相當好看,不過尾翼就不夠低調了!
By M7 + ZM35/2 + Reala ACE
操了一天下來的 Cayman S....
By E-P1
令人至今難忘的 Boxster 6MT。在 Roadtest 這一戰,一早就跟工作人員打聽有沒有手排車。工作人員給的答案是應該有;不過,因為在 Roadtest 這站大家要換手開車,不一定有機會開得到。好不容易等到下午這一站,一列排開的是 Boxster 6MT, 911 turbo convertible PDK, Panamera Turbo, Panamera S, Boxster S 等等。同組的多是 Porsche Owner,大多只對 911 turbo PDK 與 Panamera 有興趣,原本要換手開的一個小時的行程,因為沒人想開馬力最小的 Boxster,讓我可以獨佔 6MT 近一個小時。這對於手排基本教義派來說,只能說是天上掉下來的禮物啊!馬力於我如浮雲,手排加上靈敏的底盤才是王道!
在山路上開 Boxster,馬力雖然只有 256hp,NA 的直接,底盤的靈活,加上手排的原始樂趣,真的是讓人邊開邊微笑...........也讓人完全忘了要拍一下這台 Boxster,如果有人在旁側錄,應該可以錄到整整一小時的 A Smiley Driver..... ( 看到其他參加 Roadshow 的人,拍了朋友在駕駛座開 Porsche 的微笑,大概就是這種表情吧!或是某人在開 RS4 的神情........)
By M7 + ZM35/2 + Reala ACE
理想的車庫組合........ Garage Life!!!
2009 Porsche Roadshow Taiwan (3) 911 GT3 ( MKII 3.8 )
By M7 + ZM35/2 + Reala ACE
一早下著大雨,最新的 GT3 就這樣停在大帳篷外面。
By M7 + ZM35/2 + Reala ACE
By M7 + ZM35/2 + Reala ACE
By M7 + ZM35/2 + Reala ACE
By 503CW + P80/F2.8 + Reala
這種高度進出停車場應該不過方便,不過 Who cares?
By M7 + ZM35/2 + Reala ACE
By M7 + ZM35/2 + Reala ACE
尾翼上清楚寫著 3.8....
By 503CW + P80/F2.8 + Reala
鈦管有著明顯不同的聲浪。不過,我還是偏好 964 或 993 的那種些微的『銅罐仔聲』!
By 503CW + P80/F2.8 + Reala
新 GT3 3.8 多了這個散熱孔
By 503CW + P80/F2.8 + Reala
By M7 + ZM35/2 + Reala ACE
一早下著大雨,最新的 GT3 就這樣停在大帳篷外面。
By M7 + ZM35/2 + Reala ACE
By M7 + ZM35/2 + Reala ACE
By M7 + ZM35/2 + Reala ACE
By 503CW + P80/F2.8 + Reala
這種高度進出停車場應該不過方便,不過 Who cares?
By M7 + ZM35/2 + Reala ACE
By M7 + ZM35/2 + Reala ACE
尾翼上清楚寫著 3.8....
By 503CW + P80/F2.8 + Reala
鈦管有著明顯不同的聲浪。不過,我還是偏好 964 或 993 的那種些微的『銅罐仔聲』!
By 503CW + P80/F2.8 + Reala
新 GT3 3.8 多了這個散熱孔
By 503CW + P80/F2.8 + Reala
2009 Porsche Roadshow Taiwan (2) 911
911 Carrera 4S 6MT By E-P1
911 已等同於 Porsche 的代名詞了,相對於其他同等級的跑車來說,在其沉重的歷史包袱下,工程師還能讓它的每一代都有這樣棒的表現,確實不簡單。聽著同組的幾個 Porsche 專家們講著手中每一代 Porsche 的各種故事,911 說是跑車中的 Leica M,應該是不為過的。
911 Targa 4S PDK By E-P1
體驗完 Cayman S 以後馬上來開 911 Targa 4S,3.8 升的動力卻實讓人印象深刻。"911 bites",是從網路上看到的一段話。沒好好開過 911,對於前輪荷重與油門掌控不夠細膩,還真的會被咬。操控體驗的一個大彎,Targa 4S 就因為我這樣的不熟悉,帶著一個小角錐跑了一小段,也因此被愛開玩笑的教練嘲笑了一番
911 Carrera S Convertible PDK By E-P1
作為 Moose Test 的教練車,Carrera S 可以在短短的距離內就衝到所要的速度。997 穩定的底盤做 Moose Test 時,剛開始只感覺只手的動作追不上車子的反應速度。套句教練的話,真正的跑車底盤,是忠於駕駛所下的指令的。因此,不用擔心它做不到,只要手腳反應夠快,就能在車子的極限內閃避的又快又好。胡亂而慌張的操作,反而是降低車的的極限而造成失控。因此怎麼樣又順又快的下指令,就是該學好的課了。此外,PDK 的順暢與耐用度,也絕非 DSG 能相比,一天下來玩了不知幾次的 launch control,換檔還是一樣順暢。當然,手排還是比較對味。
911 Carrera S 6MT By M7 + ZM35/F2 + Reala ACE
911 Carrera S 6MT By M7 + ZM35/F2 + Reala ACE
歷代 911,從後面看都是最好看的角度之一。
911 Carrera S 6MT By M7 + ZM35/F2 + Reala ACE
911 Carrera S 6MT By M7 + ZM35/F2 + Reala ACE
911 Carrera S 6MT By M7 + ZM35/F2 + Reala ACE
911 Carrera 4S 6MT By E-P1
據一位已收藏全車系的達人說,目前的 997 Carrera 4S 是最抵買的。馬力與上一代 GT3 相差無幾,舒適性可以當買菜車與通勤車用,四驅的底盤在雨天也能放心開。流口水啊~
911 Carrera 4S 6MT By E-P1
個人特別喜歡 Carrera 4S 的原因,則是回復到 930, 964, 993 那種連成一起的反光飾板。
911 Carrera 4S 6MT By E-P1
911 Carrera 4S 6MT By M7 + ZM35/2 + Reala ACE
看過小 3 的就知道這個圈非常對味。
911 Carrera 4S 6MT By M7 + ZM35/2 + Reala ACE
Carrera 4S 的 PCCB
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