High Falls, Rochester, New York
By Leica R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
There are a small number falls located in downtown. High Falls of the Genesee is one of them. The early development of Rochester is related to it.
High Falls 是少數在市區內的瀑布,Rochesher 早期的發展也與其相關。
By M7 + VC21/F4 + XP2 Super
The early development of Rochester was derived from that early inhabitants use the water-powered waterwheels to produce flour. In High Falls heritage area historical remains of waterwheels are retained for commemoration.
Rochester 的早期發展,源自於早期的居民利用水車的動力把麥子磨成麵粉。High Falls 仍保留水車的遺跡供大家追憶。
By M7 + VC21/F4 + XP2 Super
From the use of waterwheels to optical industry, an overview Rochester is exhibited in the visitor center.
從利用水車,到發展成光學大城,Visitor Center 內有整個 Rochester 歷史發展相關的展覽。
By M7 + VC21/F4 + XP2 Super
High Falls
By Leica R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
High Falls
By Leica R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
The Pont de Rennes pedestrian bridge
By Leica R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
The Pont de Rennes pedestrian bridge
George Eastman House, Rochester, NY
This page is also to share the pictures I used Leica R to take first time. First, thank Ricky to borrow me Leica R.
本篇也算是分享第一次用 Leica R 拍的照片,先感謝 Ricky 兄大方出借經典 R 機放毒。
By Leica R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
There were some purposes for my travelling to Rochester. One was to meet Ricky, and another was to see University of Rochester, and the other was to make a pilgrimage to George Eastman House. It's a pity that I could not buy EKTAR in Boston. Thus, I used Fuji Extra400 and Ilford XP2 super to take this memorial house, as was disrespectful. Therefore, when visiting Fuji Square, Tokyo, half year later, I used EKTAR to take pictures.
特地跑到上州的 Rochester,除了拜訪 Ricky 兄,看看 Rodney 的母校(這我應該是申請不上了),另一個就是到 George Eastman House 朝聖了。可惜的是,當時在 Boston 沒機會買到 EKTAR,結果用了 Fuji Extra400 與 Ilford XP2 Super 來拍 George Eastman House,真是大不敬。所以,半年後到東京的 Fuji Square 時,就改用 EKTAR 來拍了。
By Leica M7 + VC21/F4 + XP2 Super
Compared to mensions in Rohde Island, George Eastman House is not large. Therefore, for enthusiasts for film photograpy, the standing of Georgoe Eastman House is so high that the other buildings are hard to compare with.
相比於 Rohde Island 的那些大豪宅,George Eastman House 並不大。然而,這棟房子對於底片攝影愛好者而言,其地位之崇高是其他建築很難相比的。
By Leica M7 + VC21/F4 + XP2 Super
By M7 + XP2 Super
The entrance is near Rock Gorden, in back of the house.
入口是在屋子後方的 Rock Garden 旁
By Leica R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
By M7 + XP2 Super
The peristyle
By M7 + XP2
The exhibition in North Gallery was camaras from the technology collection. The right side by the entrance showed Leica M6 and Kodak Flim with Leica M8 by contrast. From the cameras for Daguerreotype to digital cameras, it showed all of them. Camaras I own, like Leica M, Hasselblad 500 series, Polarid SX-70, were certainly included. It displayed some classic camera only seen in books or magazines. All epoch cameras, including Japanese Camaras, were shown. I stayed in George Eastman House more than half day. Most than half time was spent in the small room. Similarily, it's a pity that all the pictures I took here are gone with the death of the HD.
北展覽室的展覽是隨著科技演進的相機。門口右邊放的是 Leica M6 + Kodak 底片,加上 M8 做一個對比;至於左邊好像是天價 Linhof?我記不太起來了。裡面的展覽則是從銀版設影用的相機到數位相機都有。手裡有的 Leica M, 哈蘇 500 系列, Polaroid SX-70 肯定是在列的。一堆只有在書上看得到的經典名機,全都在這個小小的展示間看見了。包含日本的名機,劃時代的相機們,也全部在列。在 George Eastman House 待了超過半天的時間,超過一半都花費在這間只比十坪多一些的小房間。可惜的仍然是,當初在這裡拍的照片都隨著硬碟而消失。
By M7 + XP2
George Eastman
By M7 + XP2
Of course, the mension itself is another importanct purpose for most people. In contrast to those photos and camares, the mension didn't interest me so much,
By M7 + XP2
Terreace, located in the eastern wing.
為於東翼的 Terrace Garden
By M7 + XP2
Terrace Garden
By R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
The reflection in the pool.
By R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
By R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
By R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
By R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
By R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
By R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
The red leaves made the appearance more colorful.
By R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
Rocking chairs on the porch. Had Eastman ever sit here and seen the sunset?
前廊的搖椅,不知道當年 Eastman 是否也曾在這坐看夕陽呢?
本篇也算是分享第一次用 Leica R 拍的照片,先感謝 Ricky 兄大方出借經典 R 機放毒。
By Leica R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
There were some purposes for my travelling to Rochester. One was to meet Ricky, and another was to see University of Rochester, and the other was to make a pilgrimage to George Eastman House. It's a pity that I could not buy EKTAR in Boston. Thus, I used Fuji Extra400 and Ilford XP2 super to take this memorial house, as was disrespectful. Therefore, when visiting Fuji Square, Tokyo, half year later, I used EKTAR to take pictures.
特地跑到上州的 Rochester,除了拜訪 Ricky 兄,看看 Rodney 的母校(這我應該是申請不上了),另一個就是到 George Eastman House 朝聖了。可惜的是,當時在 Boston 沒機會買到 EKTAR,結果用了 Fuji Extra400 與 Ilford XP2 Super 來拍 George Eastman House,真是大不敬。所以,半年後到東京的 Fuji Square 時,就改用 EKTAR 來拍了。
By Leica M7 + VC21/F4 + XP2 Super
Compared to mensions in Rohde Island, George Eastman House is not large. Therefore, for enthusiasts for film photograpy, the standing of Georgoe Eastman House is so high that the other buildings are hard to compare with.
相比於 Rohde Island 的那些大豪宅,George Eastman House 並不大。然而,這棟房子對於底片攝影愛好者而言,其地位之崇高是其他建築很難相比的。
By Leica M7 + VC21/F4 + XP2 Super
By M7 + XP2 Super
The entrance is near Rock Gorden, in back of the house.
入口是在屋子後方的 Rock Garden 旁
By Leica R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
By M7 + XP2 Super
The peristyle
By M7 + XP2
The exhibition in North Gallery was camaras from the technology collection. The right side by the entrance showed Leica M6 and Kodak Flim with Leica M8 by contrast. From the cameras for Daguerreotype to digital cameras, it showed all of them. Camaras I own, like Leica M, Hasselblad 500 series, Polarid SX-70, were certainly included. It displayed some classic camera only seen in books or magazines. All epoch cameras, including Japanese Camaras, were shown. I stayed in George Eastman House more than half day. Most than half time was spent in the small room. Similarily, it's a pity that all the pictures I took here are gone with the death of the HD.
北展覽室的展覽是隨著科技演進的相機。門口右邊放的是 Leica M6 + Kodak 底片,加上 M8 做一個對比;至於左邊好像是天價 Linhof?我記不太起來了。裡面的展覽則是從銀版設影用的相機到數位相機都有。手裡有的 Leica M, 哈蘇 500 系列, Polaroid SX-70 肯定是在列的。一堆只有在書上看得到的經典名機,全都在這個小小的展示間看見了。包含日本的名機,劃時代的相機們,也全部在列。在 George Eastman House 待了超過半天的時間,超過一半都花費在這間只比十坪多一些的小房間。可惜的仍然是,當初在這裡拍的照片都隨著硬碟而消失。
By M7 + XP2
George Eastman
By M7 + XP2
Of course, the mension itself is another importanct purpose for most people. In contrast to those photos and camares, the mension didn't interest me so much,
By M7 + XP2
Terreace, located in the eastern wing.
為於東翼的 Terrace Garden
By M7 + XP2
Terrace Garden
By R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
The reflection in the pool.
By R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
By R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
By R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
By R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
By R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
By R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
The red leaves made the appearance more colorful.
By R6.2 + R180/3.4 + Extra400
Rocking chairs on the porch. Had Eastman ever sit here and seen the sunset?
前廊的搖椅,不知道當年 Eastman 是否也曾在這坐看夕陽呢?
From Ithaca to Geneva
By M7 + Extra400
Compare to the other cities along with universities, Ithaca is a small city. The only bustling place in downtown Ithaca is Ithaca Common.
相對於其他大學城來說,Ithaca 是一個規模很小的城市。市中心熱鬧點的地方就只有這麼一個 Ithaca Common
By M7 + Extra400
Ithaca Common
By M7 + Extra400
When the weather is good, it must be not bad to sit here and to have a cup of coffee.
By M7 + Extra400
By M7 + Extra400
By M7 + Extra400
Rented bikes
By My + Extra400
There were few people on the street. Maybe that was caused by that it has not become warm.
By M7 + Extra400
An old-world brick building in downtown Ithaca.
Ithaca 市中心的一棟老紅磚建築。
By M7 + Extra400
The railway station no longer working.
By M7 + Extra400
Allen H. Treman State Marine Park
By M7 + Extra400
Allen H. Treman State Marine Park
By M7 + Extra400
Cayuga Lake. There are a lot of wineries in this region. According to the signs standing by the road, I chose a larger vinery, Lucas Vineyard and bought few bottles of Riesling. It's a pity that all the pictures were snapped by R-D1s, and they disappeared because of the death of the HD.
Cayuga 湖,這一區充滿了不少的酒莊。我也找了一間看起來規模較大的酒莊 - Lucas ,進去挑了幾瓶 Riesling。可惜這一區的照片全都用 R-D1s 照,都不見了。
By M7 + Extra400
The Finger lakes are named for the geographical distribution. Crossing a hill, I see another lake, Seneca Lake. A small town, Geneva, is located in the north of the lake.
既然名曰 Finger Lakes,這裡的湖的分布就像五隻手指一樣,跨過了一個小丘,就到了另一個湖 Seneca Lake。Geneva 這個小城位於 Seneca 湖的最北端。
By M7 + Extra400
Seneca Lake. Leaving the lakefront park of Geneva after taking few photos in the cold and cloudy day, I had to drive to Rochester as fast as possible.
在又陰又冷的天氣下拍了幾張照後,離開 Geneva 的湖畔公園,趕緊趕往 Rochester。
Cornell Univeristy
By R-D1s + M-Rokker 40/F2
Driving a fuel-efficient Hybrid Prius, I crossed the boundary between Massachusetts and New York. From Boston, located in east Massachusetts, to Ithaca, New York, the distance is about 380 miles. As long as the route is, it was not boring because I followed Ricky's advice about drive along I-20, which has scenery of lakes and hills.
開著超省油的 Prius,跨越了紐約與麻州的州界。從麻州最東邊的 Boston 開到紐約州 Ithaca,大概有 380 miles。路程雖然長,不過依照 Ricky 的建議走 I-20,欣賞沿路的丘陵湖景風光倒不讓人覺得無聊。
By R-D1s + M-Rokker 40/F2
It was at dusk when I arrived at the campus. Thank Jeffery for treating me to a special dinner at the campus buffet.
抵達 Cornell 校園時,已經接近黃昏。感謝 Jeffery 在 Cornell 學生餐廳招待了一頓特別的晚餐。
By R-D1s + M-Rokker 40/F2
The reflection on the the fender.
By R-D1s + M-Rokker 40/F2
By M7 + Extra400 + M-Rokker 40/F2
By R-D1s + M-Rokker 40/F2
A night scene at campus.
By M7 + Extra400 + VC21/F4
On the next day, I went to Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art. Though the area is not large, it has a lot of collections of art and is recognized as one of the most important university museums. It's special for me to see some collections from Ming Dynasty and Ching Dynasty.
隔天來到 Herbert F. Johnson 藝術博物館內走一走。館內雖然不大,卻有著很多的收藏,被認為是大學博物館中的重要一員。對我來說特別的是竟然看到一些明清時期的展品。
By M7 + Extra400
The lobby
By M7 + Extra400
Spiral staircase
By M7 + Extra400
From the top floor, the campus view is clearer.
By M7 + Extra400
And I was able to see Lake Cayuga, one of the Finger Lakes, from the top floor. It must look more gorgeous when colored by autumn leaves.
當然,在頂樓也能看到五指湖中的 Cayuga 湖。秋天葉子轉紅時,這裡應該會更美吧!
By M7 + Extra400 + VC21/F4
After the museum, I walked around the campus, and saw Fall creek, which separates the campus into two parts. There are certainly a few bridges for transportation across the creek. And this is the lone pedestrian-only suspension bridge among bridges on the campus.
離開博物館,來到校園其他地方走走。Fall creek 這條小溪穿越了校園,因此校園內當然有橋方便通行,而這就是其中唯一的行人吊橋。
By M7 + Extra400
From the bridge, a small hydroelectric plane is in sight.
By M7 + Extra400
An elegant house in the campus, as in the dream of the garage life.
校園內的優雅房舍,夢中的 garage life.
By M7 + Extra400
A house in Tutor style; it casts my mind back to Tiffany's, an excellent restaurant in Christchurch, New Zealand.
一棟都鐸式風格的建築,不過我心裡想到的是紐西蘭的 Tiffany's。
By M7 + Extra400
By M7 + Extra400
By M7 + Extra400
By M7 + Extra400
Another bridge
By M7 + Extra400
Goodbye, Cornell!
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